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Thursday, November 10, 2011


Mom has been pouring over internet recipe sites for something she can serve to her hooman family as well as to us when everybuddy comes over for Thanksgiving dinner. One of her e-List groups sent out this recipe yesterday. Mom's gonna try it out on us Hooligans before Thanksgiving Day! AAAARRRROOOO!!!

Turkey - Cranberry Meatballs Recipe

In a food processor, combine:

1 pound of ground turkey, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 egg,
1 slice of whole-wheat bread, 1/4 cup of dried cranberries.

Form into balls and bake on a greased baking sheet at 400 F for 20 to 25 minutes until cooked through.

Let the turkey meatballs cool to room temp for your Hooligans. Mmmmmm! The Aire in your kitchen will be divine! 

NOTE: Before giving cranberries to your own Hooligans, please read the following information from the ASPC website.

I would like to give cranberries to my dogs to prevent urinary tract infections. Is this safe?
- Ginger P.
To our knowledge, there is no data at this time indicating that cranberries (Vaccinium spp.) are toxic to dogs, Ginger, beyond the possibility of gastrointestinal upset that can be seen with ingestion of any plant material. But considering that 10 years ago the toxic potential of another fruit—grapes—was not known, we are not comfortable making any type of absolute determination on the safety of cranberries when given to pets. Instead, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian for advice on the best way to maintain your dogs' urinary tract health.


Duke said...

OMG, these sound FABULOUS! We hope mom will make some and share with us!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ms. A said...

Funny how they find all this stuff out, way down the road. I had a dog that loved raisins. She made it 17 years and 4 months, even with all the mistakes I made.

Ms. A said...

Hmmmmm, perhaps if I hadn't given her all those raisins, she'd still be here!

Chana Meddin said...

Dear Hooligans, Please let us HooliPigZ know how they "turn out!" Mom would use stupis Tofurkey and we is vegetarians but the surprise of new holiday treats is always an intriguing enterprise!
Sounds like mom gonna be using you-Ligans as "guinea pigs" heh-heh!

The Thuglets said...

Crikey...they sound and look absolutely daleicious!

Have a good week end sampling!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx