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Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I am at work today, again, and guess what? The new crate was delivered to Mom's office this morning. IT IS BIG and HEAVY. One of the guys who works in the warehouse came in and said, "Hey Duke, that cage could hold a lion! I don't think you're going to be able to tear that one up! Guess you won't be coming to the office as much now."

I grunted at him. That's the only response he deserved. Then I turned my back on everybody and put my head down. I am going to sleep for awhile and not think about that new crate. But I do have an important question for you.

Does this pickture make my butt look big?


Lori G said...

Awwwww Duke....
You're going to like the new crate & You're going to feel so safe.
Think of it as your Penthouse! And give that guy a little grrr from me (not too much).
Your butt,... well....You look relaxed! Enjoy being near Mom.

Dandy Duke said...

That guy had some nerve saying that to you, DD!
Your hiney looks just like Mitch's! We tease him about it all the time.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

CatherineDogs3 said...

Your own private safe room, it's great Duke! I do have to say the picture doesn't show off your best side...hahaha

The Thuglets said...

Nope absolutely not! The picture does not make your butt look big.
We don't blame your turning your back on everyone.
We have a pawscrossed all goes well with you new crate and you feel safe and happy in it.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

mrifun56 said...

Duke, We all know you're still on mom duty and that man thinks you look majestic! As for the butt question...I know what my rear view looks like so I won't comment on amyone elses. Keep up the good work Duke!

tricia said...

Another good laugh, Muriel and D.D.! I really needed it too! To the kind soul you said Duke's butt looked relaxed: you must work in the diplomatic corps, that was a very tactful answer. I must learn to be like you. :-)

Ms. A said...

Duke, stay especially close to Mom and Dad right now and give them love from me. Tell them I'm keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.


Chana Meddin said...

Hey Duke, just today on an animal rescue site we saw the coolest T-shirt named after that song about "big butts" but it said "we love big mutts and we cannot lie..." so shake your money-maker at that delivery man and put plenty of Charley's canine heroes posters on the ceiling! And all condolences to your family on the loss of your grandma-in-law, too...

gmarch53 said...

LOL Duke!!! Just think of the new crate as your personal Kingdom! As for the other matter...No Comment! "G"

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

What came to mind before I read Yum-yum's comment was "I like big butts and I cannot lie"- always like that goofy song. So don't worry, the Bentman's butt might be considered big too but it is all a matter of perspective!