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Sunday, January 15, 2012


Duke's new crate has arrived. It weighs 125 pounds. 
Dad needed a furniture dolly to get it into the house. 

Jack checks it out to be sure it is a first class crate.

The new crate gets the Gentleman Jack Seal of Approval!

Dad puts it all together while Mom watches.

And Duke takes his first nap in his new crate,
with the door open and a comfy new pad on the floor. Mom thinks
the crate looks like a Hansel & Gretel cage. But the look doesn't seem
to be bothering Duke. Or any of the other Hooligans, either. 
Everyhooly took a turn lying down in it and they all seemed to like it just fine.


CatherineDogs3 said...

What a great new room you have Duke. It looks so safe & comfortable. I think your Mom really loves you a lot, to get you such a wonderful gift.

marifun56 said...

Now Duke, keep that nose safe! Goodluck in your 'new home'.

Ms. A said...

A King... er, Duke, in his new castle! You look quite royal and regal.

Dandy Duke said...

You new palace is lovely, DD, but we don't see the frig inside!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Chana Meddin said...

WOW, DUKE! Well done, "having it your way" you are definitely GUINEA PIG material training your mom and dad to get you something that totally wunnerful. See,now here's where a guinea pig could really come in handy: furnishing! IT IS OUR SPECIALTY! For NO fee, since we are among friends, we would be happy to send your wonderful mom and dad a list of niceties not meant to REMAIN beein' a Hooligan and all, see, so (call us!)