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Monday, July 11, 2011


Awhile back I mentioned that ever since Hurricane Katrina, some of us Hooligans have been unhappy whenever there is a storm. Mom thinks it’s to do with barometric pressure dropping. But we can also hear lightning waaay before our hoomans do. And we can smell it too. It’s hard to splain in a dlog.

One of Mom and Dad’s friends at church, Miss Nancy, told us that she bought a Thundershirt® for her Lab/Great Dane, Willie Wonka. Willie gets storm anxiety too. Have you ever been around a nervous Great Dane? It’s not a pretty sight.

But Miss Nancy said the Thundershirt® is helping Willie Wonka. So Dad ordered one for me to try out. And would you believe it? The shirt came in the mail today and it was followed by a thunderstorm.

Mom got home with the shirt and wrapped me right up in it. It fits really really snug and puts pressure on points of my body that are supposed to help me relax. I didn’t like it at first. I could hear thunder coming and I was getting antsy and Maggie was jumping around like an idjit and I was panting and panting and trembling and Mom told me to settle down and let my new shirt do its work.

I did. And it seems to be working. We aren’t having a horrific thunderstorm but it’s a noisy one. I am sacked out on the floor between the kitchen and the TV room. Mom has tried to get me to move but I don’t want to get up. I’m just going to lie here and snooze until the thunderstorm goes away.

We’ve been having thunderstorms every day so this shirt is going to get a really really good trial. I’ll let you know how it goes. Right now, I'm feelin' the love.



marifun56 said...

Snug as a bug, and quite fashionable too,
No more panting and howling,
You Hooligan you!

Ms. A said...

Hope it works!

Dandy Duke said...

We can't stand storms either, DD, me in particular! Maybe it's time mom bought us thundershirts too! You do look pretty relaxed in that last picture! We hope it keeps working for you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lori G said...

You got one! Yea!!!!
Hope it works really good Duke!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Duke, I'm so happy your Mommy bought you the Thundershirt. Looks like you are more relaxed with it on. And, yes it sure is fashionable! I hope it does the trick. Love, Lashes

Chana Meddin said...

WowEE & Squeeee! Make our mom get
one for me! That so cool that shirt and seeing DD all sacked out like that in a storm. Mom met our first B'ham Hooligan Sunday, owned by the paint store people, and he was very mellow. Mom said "Huh? Y'SURE HE A HOOLIGAN?" and the owners from Sandy Eggo (who knew about Molly & McGee "Yeah, that owl guy's made himself a good thing with those owls.") They said he got trained as a puppy by a Service Dog trainer...HUH! Well, WE IZ HOOLIGANZ and we wants our shirts,too! Congratulations on calmness. What that mean, anyway?