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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Great RESCUE Run

Our town is about 20 inches short of the amount of rain we usually have by this time of the year. Mom’s flowers are brown, the grass is brown. And it’s been so hot outside (triple digits) that nobuddy wants to play. We only go out long enough to lift our legs and then we come right back inside to the air conditioning. We’re lucky dogs. Mom and Dad rescued all of us and they make sure we are comfortable and safe from bad weather and scary things.

Some dogs aren’t as lucky as we are. Mom and Dad like to help dogs whenever they can and last weekend, they did. A lady called Mom and told her there were 3 Airedale Terrier pups in middle Mississippi that needed to go to forever homes waaaay waaaay down in south Florida. The pups weren't abused but they were neglected. They were living with an irresponsible backyard breeder who Mom said wasn't very interested in the welfare of the puppies. But there were three famblies down in Florida who were jumping up and down and begging to adopt Airedale Terriers. Mom knew she'd have to have help,  because south Florida is a long way from Hooligan House. But she said if some other hooman could get the puppies to Gulfport, Mississippi, then Mom could get them to Pensacola for someone else to help transport them south. (I didn’t know anywhere was more south-er than here, doG, but it must be really really hot down there!)

So on Saturday, Mom and Dad drove over to Gulfport and met Miss Delia and Miss Virginia and Miss Diane who brought the puppies from central Mississippi. And guess what? In the middle of the puppy exchange, the sky began to rain all over everything on the Gulf Coast. There was thunder and there was lightning and there was about 6 inches of rain. Everybuddy got wet, including the puppies. Mom and Dad drove back home through some crazy thunderstorms, and brought the pups into our house to spend the night.

the puppies inspecting their sleeping crates

We weren’t allowed to meet the puppies because Mom wasn’t sure they had all their puppy shots yet. But we sure heard them! We aarrrooooed at them through the door and they aaaroooed back at us and Maggie got mad because there were other dogs walking around in our kitchen and she growled and growled until Mom swatted her on the backside and told her to STOP IT RIGHT NOW.

Those pups didn’t know anything about being dogs. They had never seen a leash, never had a collar on before and – get this! They had never even had a treat before! Mom and Dad spent some time getting them used to treats and letting them play with our toys, and then we all went to bed because Sunday morning was going to come early and Mom was driving them to Florida and the weather was gonna be just turrible.

These are some pictures of the puppies. And I’ll write you more about them and tell you the end of the story when me and Mom get some more computer time. Right now, I feel a game of tug coming on. C’mere, Maggie! That’s my squeaky duck!



Dandy Duke said...

How cool to be able to play with 3 puppies! It must have been nutty at your house, DD!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ms. A said...

Finally got some rain here today! My grass grew two inches while drinking it in. We're still way behind, but it's better than nothing.

Chana Meddin said...

OMG! dON't leave us hanging, Duke, what happened next? nevah had a treat? yo'momma a good woman, yo'daddy, too! and you hadda teach something bad to them pups...sometimes the little ones have to learn stuff from the big ones...did you have enough time? mom gonna call your mom cuz she need to know what happened next...RAIN?
our high is 66 degrees. was we wrong for sayin' that?

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

Awww- puppies! Bless all the rescue folks and thanks! We got some rain also- two days in a row. Jumping for Joy!

Lori G said...

Awwww, How exciting! Can't wait to hear more!!